CEW Series: Rochdale & The Early Co-operative Movement Rochdale & The Early Co-operative Movement Follow-up Questions Rochdale & The Early Co-operative Movement Follow-up Questions Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Co-op Affiliation Position at your Co-op 1) The presenter, Erbin Crowell, starts off with dispelling some of the myths about the Rochdale Pioneers. What were some of the issues that people of that time were dealing with that led to organizing co-ops in Northern England? * 2) Prior to the establishment of the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers in 1844 there were years of organizing and experiments in co-operation both in England and in other parts of the world. What was something that early co-operators addressed in either formal or informal ways working together? * 3) A key outcome of the organizing of the Rochdale Society was gaining legal recognition for co-operatives in the UK. For example, rules for returning surplus to members based on their use of the co-op and one member, one vote. In what way or ways does your co-op reflect these concepts? Go to the NFCA website which has links to co-op statutes for each state: https://nfca.coop/startup/#Incorporation Can you find the articles about voting or membership? * 4) The legal recognition helped legitimize the co-op business model and contributed to its rapid growth internationally and in the U.S. Do you recognize any of the organizations that were mentioned as advocates of co-operative development? What were some of the areas that co-ops were using to address the issues faced by communities? * 5) There is a wealth of resources for further reading and learning more about the Co-operative Movement. Does your co-op have any books on the subject available for sale or to borrow, or is it engaged in a study group using any of these resources? Does your website provide links to resources from co-op associations such as the NFCA, NCBA CLUSA, or the International Cooperative Alliance? If not, what do you think would be a way more staff or members could have access to educational resources on co-ops and the co-operative movement? * Please type the email you need to have your responses go to here. (Your supervisor, Board Administrator or General Manager) * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Share this story in social media or in your e-news!