Co-op Month Photo Competition

It’s Co-op Month: time to show off your Co-op Pride with our Co-op Month Photo Competition for staff at our Neighboring Food Co-ops!

This competition for NFCA Co-op Staff runs the whole month of October with an opportunity to submit photos in different themes.  The goal is to engage and excite our member-owners and shoppers by visually demonstrating in our stores our Co-operative Values the Co-op Difference, and use of the theme “The Future is Cooperative.”

There will be a winner announced for each of the 4 categories and photos shared and posted.

Scroll down for past year’s winners!

How to participate:

  1. Create displays/gather staff/carve a pumpkin in your co-op using the themes.
  2. Take a photograph and then…
  3. Post the photo to your Co-op’s Facebook account. In the photo’s description, say what the item is and tag it with #NeighborCoops and #CoopMonth so it can be counted.
  4. All photos must be posted by October 31st. But post as early as possible so we can share!
  5. Neighboring Food Co-op Association staff will announce winners, post on NFCA social media and contact the winning co-ops to arrange prize receipt.

Contest Themes:

Co-op Made Display: Photo of an End Cap, floor display, or shelf demonstrating the co-op identity/co-op difference and promoting other Co-ops in the food system, particularly highlighting the Co-op Month theme, promoting products, etc.

Co-op Identity:  Photo demonstrating the 2024 Co-op Month theme of “The Future is Cooperative.” Demonstrate how your Co-op demonstrates the Co-op Values and Principles.  How is your co-op building an economy that works for everyone and embracing the values and principles that make us truly unique? How does your co-op prepare for the future? For future generations of co-operators?

Co-op Staff Pride Photo: We know your staff is awesome: show us! Our Co-op’s staff has gone above and beyond to keep our communities fed and safe during the COVID crisis, natural disasters and beyond.  Share a photo of your Co-op Staff showing their Co-op Pride. Could include NFCA buttons, or bumper stickers or info cards.

Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern/Fall Harvest Display: Carved pumpkin, pumpkin display, or Fall harvest extravaganza display with the Co-op Month Theme/Co-ops Rock/your Co-op logo/name, etc.

Much thanks and appreciation to our sponsors and co-op partners for participating by providing the prizes!  




Congratulations 2023 Co-op Month Winners!

Co-op Made Display: Urban Greens Co-op Market, Providence, RI

Love the clear, vibrant shelf tag use! Urban Greens takes the prize to kick off Co-op Month with a fantastic photo of Real Pickles co-op shelf display.  Identification of co-op products throughout the store makes it easy for shoppers to see all the co-op producers. Congratulations Urban Greens!




Co-op IdentityCambridge Food Co-op, Cambridge, NY

Check out these cool customized posters the co-op has to explain the Co-op Principles!

Congratulations Cambridge!



Co-op Staff Pride Photo: Monadnock Food Co-op, Keene, NH

Monadnock staff sporting their co-op buttons demonstrating pride in their individualism, their work, their co-op and co-op identity! Congratulations Monadnock!







Week 4 Winner: Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern/Fall Harvest Display:

Congratulations 2022 Co-op Month Winners!

Week 1 Winner: Co-op Made Display: Urban Greens Co-op Market

Urban Greens Co-op Market staff celebrates products made by co-ops for Co-op Month 2022

Congratulations to Urban Greens Co-op Market for being the winner of
NFCA’s “Co-op Made Display” theme with their creative juggling of Co-op made products for Co-op Month! ? Now that’s co-op enthusiasm! Still shot or video clip Urban Greens Co-op Market brings our attention to co-op products with style! Equal Exchange coffee bags make great juggling props. Might be a little tricky with La Riojana Co-op wine or olive oil bottles or Katalyst Kombucha cans or Organic Valley milk or eggs!  Thanks for helping raise awareness about all the fantastic co-op producers.

…Now see Seamus juggling these #CoopMade products in action!


Week 2 Winner: Co-ops Build Economic Power: High Falls Food Co-op

High Falls Food Co-op’s (NY) general manager Lucy Georgeff demonstrates how Co-ops Build Economic Power

Congratulations to the High Falls Food Co-op (NY) for winning NFCA’s Co-op Month photo contest demonstrating how Co-ops Build Economic Power. High Falls Co-op is working to grow and build a more just, resilient, and inclusive economy, one that helps build an economy that works for everyone!


Week 3 Winner: Co-op Staff Pride: GreenStar Food Co-op

Our Co-ops’ staff rock! Congratulations to the GreenStar Food Co-op (NY) for winning NFCA’s Co-op Month photo contest showing their Co-op Staff Pride, and to the Flatbush Food Co-op (NY), Franklin Community Co-op (MA) and Middlebury Naturals Foods Co-op (VT) staff on winning Honorable Mentions.Week 3 Winner: Co-op Staff Pride:Week 3 Winner: Co-op Staff Pride:

Week 4 Pumpkins!: Franklin Community Co-op

Congratulations 2021 Co-op Month Winners!

Week 1 Winner: Co-op Made Display: Littleton Food Co-op

Congratulations to the Littleton Food Co-op for being the winner of
NFCA’s “Co-op Made Display” theme with their fabulous display for Co-op Month! ? Cabot  Creamery Co-operative products galore! And check out the #NationalCoopMonth themed logo sporting its rainbow colors! #CoopMonth posts by #NeighborCoops to raise awareness about all the fantastic co-op producers.


Week 2 Winners: Build back for Impact theme: Flatbush Food Co-op NY and High Falls Food Co-op NY

Flatbush Food Co-op celebrating Co-op Community Day with “Artmaggedon 2,” a community event bringing together community members with works by local artists and artisans and free kids art activities.  Our co-ops exist to meet the needs of their communities!

High Falls Co-op announces no longer carrying 16oz plastic water bottles for sale. They have been replaced with Boxed Water is Better and also now have Rainforest Water, in aluminum bottles. Rainforest Water plants a tree for each bottle sold, and Boxed Water is Better will plant two trees for each. Front End Team Member Michael Santiago and Produce Manager Paris Martin hydrate enthusiastically with these new products!


Week 3 Winner: Staff Pride: Belfast Co-op, ME

The Co-operators at Belfast Co-op won the Staff Pride photo theme with their awesome photo of their co-op staff and co-op produced products. Check out that welcoming giant sign for #CoopMonth. Co-op month logo from National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International, and Fedco Seeds, Equal Exchange, La Riojana Cooperativa, Organic

Valley, Frontier Co-op, Rock City Coffee. For more co-op producers in every department see our list:


Artist: Laura Conklin

Week 4 Winner: Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern/Fall Harvest Display Plainfield Co-op, VT   

Laura Conklin helped the co-operators at Plainfield Co-op bring home the ‘Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern/FallHarvest Display’ winning photo for the 2021 Co-op Month Photo Contest.  We love the detail and imagery…and the Co-op!


CONGRATS to the 2020 Co-op Month Winners!

Week 1 Winner: Co-op End Cap/Co-op Shelf Promo: Littleton Food Co-op

Littleton Food Co-op’s fabulous #GoCoop display showcases Fair Trade and co-op-made products and the Co-op Month theme on display! “Did you know that October is Co-op Month *and* it’s also Fair Trade Month? Equal Exchange is a co-operative based in New England – whenever you buy their coffee, tea, and chocolate you’re helping to support fair trade practices and a more just food system.”


Week 2 Winner: Co-ops Commit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Putney Food Co-op


Hip Hip Hooray for The Putney Co-op Inclusion Team! Putney Food Coop garnered the winning spot for Week 2’s theme: Co-ops Commit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. “The Putney Co-op Inclusion Team meeting outside yesterday. The inclusion team was initiated by staff that want to focus on Education, Discussion, and Action on ways to increase inclusivity, diversity, and equity in our co-op.” How is your Co-op is working to support a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive Co-op and community?


Week 3: Co-op Staff Pride Photo: Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op


“In honor of Co-op Month, we’re celebrating Co-op Staff Pride Day! We’re beyond proud to be part of this fun, quirky family of nearly 100 individuals who are committed to serving our community and making sure that this locally-owned, democratically-operated neighborhood store is firing on all cylinders. We’re proud of the work that we do and we thank you for your support!”

Week 4 Winner: Jack-o-lantern or Fall Display: Littleton Food Co-op


Littleton Co-op staff went all out with their pumpkin carving and decorating! “When you come to the co-op this weekend check out the carved pumpkin display! Each one was made by a member of our staff and they are SUPER SPOOKY.”

Special Recognition/Honorable Mention:

Special shout out to Rutland Area Food Co-opGreenStar Food Co-op and Littleton Food Co-op for their


posting highlighting the Co-op Month theme: Co-ops Commit: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Keep up the important work all year long!



CONGRATS to the 2019 Co-op Month Winners!

Week 1 Winner: Co-op End Cap/Co-op Shelf Promo: Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op


Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op‘s fabulous #GoCoop display showcases many products made by co-ops! We spy products from Cabot Creamery Co-operative, La Riojana Cooperativa, Blue Diamond Almonds, Real Pickles and Simply Organic.


Week 2 Winner: Co-ops: By the Community, For the Community: Springfield Food Co-op


Springfield Food Co-op’s photos of how their Co-op commits to their community includes their Community Roots Outreach Projects’ team works to connect to our greater community through programs that help fight food insecurity, fund non-profit organizations, and benefit the financial and social health of our members, shoppers, and beyond.


Week 3: Co-op Pride Staff Photo: Monadnock Food Co-op


The staff at Monadnock Food Co-op love to show off their Co-op Pride every day…and especially during Co-op Month. “Happy Co-op Month, y’all!”

Week 4: Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern/Pumpkin Display:

All Winners! Putney Food Co-op, Hunger Mountain Food Co-op, and Brattleboro Food Co-op all posted their carved pumpkins. Co-op pride pumpkin style!

Putney Food Co-op
Hunger Mountain Food Co-op
Brattleboro Food Co-op



CONGRATS to the 2018 Co-op Month Winners!

Week 1 WinnerCo-op End Cap: Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op

Co-op-Made Products Get the Spotlight at the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op

Week 2 Winner: Co-op Shelf Promo: Brattleboro Food Co-op 

Ruth from Brattleboro Food Co-op & Co-op-Produced Katalyst Kombucha

Week 3 Winners: Co-op Pride Staff Photo: Putney Food Co-op & Springfield Food Co-op

Front End Staff at Springfield Food Co-op
Staff at Putney Food Co-op show their Co-op Pride in front of their Equal Exchange Display

Week 4 Winner: Co-op Jack-0′-Lantern: Rutland Area Food Co-op

Rutland Area Food Co-op’s Jack-o’-Lantern: “We See the Future”: “You look at our co-ops throughout Vermont, through the US, and throughout the world, and you see people banding together, working to save our planet, making sure everyone gets a fair wage for the work they do, and helping individuals get their chance to find and take advantage of their potential. WE See The Future, not one entity, but a group of people, businesses, communities sharing with each other their own experiences, and finding ways to better ourselves and our world.”

Thank You to our Producer Co-ops partners for providing our prizes in past years!



Thank You to our Producer Co-ops partners for providing our prizes in past years!