2025 is the International Year of Co•operatives

NFCA’s Fifth Annual Startup Day Resources

On May 16, 2020, over 35 organizers from 11 Startup food co-ops across New England & New York gathered virtually for the Neighboring Food Co-op Association’s (NFCA) Fifth Northeast Startup Day, organized in collaboration with our partners at Food Co-op Initiative (FCI).  Special thanks to Jacqueline Hannah of FCI for helping us put together a rockin’ day of peer learning.

Thanks also to our friends at Cabot Creamery Co-operativeCooperative Development FoundationFood Co-op Initiative, and Monadnock Food Co-op for supporting the next generation of food co-ops building community power in the Northeast. Three cheers for y’all, the Startup Food Co-op organizers who are working hard to build power and more healthy, just, and sustainable communities!

Below are resources from the day. Please consider these for internal use by NFCA Member Startups and not for public distribution.


Other Resources: 

The Future is Co-operative: NFCA Food Co-op Impact Presentation 
This presentation was designed in 2020 by staff of the Neighboring Food Co-op Association to help our startup food co-op members tell the story of food co-op resilience and impact, backed up with impact statistics from last year’s collective impact among NFCA food co-ops.

This presentation from NFCA’s Fifth Annual Startup Day with Food Co-op Initiative covers tips for how to approach your startup food co-op development through a community organizing and movement building lens.
  • Jacqueline Hannah, Food Co-op Initiative
  • Bonnie Hudspeth, Neighboring Food Co-op Association